$37.00 USD


PAGE TO PROFIT - have your high-converting sales page done in one single sitting 🥂

ONLY $17

You'll have all of the content and emails you need to launch your new offer, with The Launch Vault. 

Now, you need a high-converting sales page to go with!


Page to Profit

The ultimate done-for-you sales page that will have people drooling, and hitting the BUY NOW button before they've even finished reading

Having a sales page that is based on a proven structure, with messaging that speaks right to your audience's soul is likely to more-than-double your conversions. 

😫 Think about how much money you are leaving on the table by taking a "wing-it" approach to selling your offer - your offer that you poured your heart and soul into.

You get this: 

✔️ The sales page template that makes over 6-figures in sales annually for my business 

✔️ The ultimate Sales Page ChatGPT Prompt to have ChatGPT fill in the gaps FOR YOU


This offer is not available ANYWHERE else so grab it today if you want to maximise sales during your launch! 🧨

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Ready to attract dream buyers and sell out of your launches, every 🤌🏻 Single 🤌🏻 time 🤌🏻? 

Here's what you get inside The Launch Vault to help you do this:

🧨 A Potent 60-minute masterclass that teaches you the strategy behind your successful, profitable launch, including how to warm up your audience to your offer, so they don't even think twice when you drop your offer 

🧨 Templates AND BONUS templates for your feed posts, your story posts and your emails - simply plug-and-play in a few minutes and your launch content is DONE FOR YOU 

🧨 Bonus: ChatGPT Prompts to help you save even more time, when creating content for your launch 

🧨 Bonus: Your Launch Calendar, so you can adapt your launch to your own schedule and have your entire launch laid out in front of you, for even more ease and space 

🧨 Bonus: Your Launch Workbook to help set you and your launch up for huge success




Limited time offer only - this won't last long!