💭 💭 💭

Imagine if you could 2X or 3X your business income in a matter of weeks (without hustling for it), all because of the way you've set up your offers and business structure


Sound amazing? This could be your reality!


keep scrolling to find out how đŸ‘‡đŸ»

She 3Xd her profit all because of one tweak from Profitable Offer Suite
I want this!

In my world, when people buy one offer, they want it ALL.


And not only that
 some of my clients have tried to buy the same offers twice, just in case they’ve missed something 😂

Its also common for me to receive DMs like this one, from people telling me they have bought all of my offers and they are just now sending me their first DM 👇

Teach me how!
How do you build an offer suite that does this for you?

When I create offers, they:


✔ Are of the highest of quality 


✔ Cater to my ideal clients exact wants AND needs 


✔ Form part of a bigger picture offer suite with opportunities for my clients to go up or down my offer suite ladder, when they want to 


What this means is that I have:


đŸ„‚ Repeat purchases from the same client 


đŸ„‚ Higher client retention (they extend current containers and stay in my business, wanting more of my offers, instead of seeking help elsewhere) 


đŸ„‚ Higher client lifetime value (I make higher profits from each client I gain)


And when you create offers that:


đŸ„° Suit your desired lifestyle and life stage


đŸ„° Match your talents and delivery method preferences (AKA if you don't want to show up and teach live every week, you don't have to!)


đŸ„° Align with exactly with the transformation your ideal client wants


You create an ecosystem in your business, that makes you money on autopilot... a lot more money đŸ„‚

This is how you make multiple 5 figures or 6 figures in your business every month, with ease, without stressing about when the next client will come from, and without creating random offers that suck the life out of you 

Learn how to build your ecosystem 💾💾💾
Here's the thing:

Most business owners will create offers that put them under an immense amount of pressure 😣

They build their offers and their offer suite based on what one coach told them, because it's the ONLY WAY to build a business

Let me know if you've tried to grow your business income with one of these alone: 


đŸ‘‰đŸŒ 1:1 coaching that constantly requires you to exchange your time and energy for money 


đŸ‘‰đŸŒ ONE program that you try to sell over and over again, every which way possible, but doesn’t cater to your ideal clients' individual needs  


đŸ‘‰đŸŒ Live program after live program, when really, at this stage of your life, you don’t have the time and energy to be running live programs constantly 


đŸ‘‰đŸŒ High-ticket, high proximity containers that require you to be on every day of your week, leaving no room for anything else and causing anxiety every morning


There is nothing wrong with any of the above types of offers.

What doesn't make sense and what will have you spinning around in circles, is choosing to create offers that don't suit you or your ideal client, just because they worked for someone else


Perhaps you’ve tried so many business models and none of them seem to be working for you 

Or if they work for a hot second, everything comes crashing down the next, because the business model isn't sustainable 

And to add to all of the above...

đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« If you’re not creating recurring monthly revenue for your business, you’re starting the month at zero
 which means you are scrambling every month, trying to reach your minimum (tooooo much pressure)


đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« If you’re only selling ONE course (probably because you’ve been told that that’s the best way to get to 6 and 7 figures), it’s likely that you have clients who don’t want the whole thing, so they’re not willing to pay for the extras


đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« If your main source of income is 1:1 coaching, you'll be burnt out in no time, because to make money you have to expend energy, every time


đŸ˜”â€đŸ’« If you don’t have an offer you can sell right now that doesn’t require anything more of you than selling it?

Houston, we have a big problem


What you need is a business model that allows you to make multiple-5 figure and 6-figure months, without constantly being "ON" and while maintaining an amazing life outside of your business. 


This is what you'll learn inside Profitable Offer Suite

Make it rain, baby! 💾

It's time to say goodbye to:


đŸ«  Trading your time for money, every time you sell an offer


đŸ«  The stress of trying to gain new clients every time you want to increase your income


đŸ«  Waking up on the first day of every month with anxiety about whether or not you’re going to make enough or the same money as you did last month 


đŸ«  Creating random offers just because that coach told you to, and draining your energy 


đŸ«  Exhausting launches that feel like you’re pulling teeth because you're not leveraging your offer suite

It's time to say hello to:


💾 Stress-free scaling of your business, with the clients you already have 


💾 Gaining more clients naturally, without any extra effort because people are waiting to buy from you, knowing your offers are the BEST in your industry 


💾 Waking up on the first day of the month, knowing you’ve already made thousands for the month 


💾 An offer suite that makes you multiple 5 figures every month, without the hustle 


💾 Writing your own cheque - anytime you want more money, you have an offer that fits perfectly and is easy to sell 

Choose to build your business around your own preferences and lifestyle. Not the other way around đŸ€ŒđŸ»
I'm ready to build the business of my dreams


When you leverage your offer suite:

đŸ„‚ You create offers that are so irresistible to your dream clients, they buy as soon as you drop the link

đŸ„‚Â Your dream clients join your new offers immediately and that means more money in your bank account, faster

đŸ„‚Â You work smarter, not harder and offers become effortless to create, so you create offers that suite your energy and lifestyle 

đŸ„‚Â People message you to tell you they would buy ANYTHING you create... and when people start doing this, they can't get enough and your business explodes!


Like this! 👇

Love notes from clients who are leveraging their offer suite to skyrocket their business
Gimme gimme all of this 👏
Here’s what you’ll find inside Profitable Offer Suite to help you build an offer suite and a business model that serves you:

Module 1: Building a strong offer suite foundation

Lesson 1: How to audit your current offer suite, and use the offers you already have to make more now!

Lesson 2: Creating space in your business with a small few tweaks to your offer suite, so you have room for more


Module 2: The different types of offers and what to create & when

Lesson 1: Passive income vs evergreen offers vs scalable offers

Lesson 2: Low ticket, mid ticket, or high ticket - What does each entail, which ones should you choose, when, and why?

Lesson 3: How to decide which formats and types of offers you should create for biggest income and impact

Lesson 4: How to keep people in your business and increase client retention

Lesson 5: How to increase client lifetime value 

Module 3: How to create irresistible offers that have your clients buying as soon as you drop the link

Lesson 1: What makes your offer irresistible and how to include this in every offer

Lesson 2: How to create each type of offer - inclusions, bonuses, platforms, topics, all of it!

Lesson 3: Your profitable offer checklist - 5 questions to answer before creating any offer

Lesson 4: Pricing your offer and feeling good about it

Lesson 5: How to create income before you create the offer 


Module 4: Your offer messaging - What to say in your content to get people wanting in

Lesson 1: Your offer transformation and promise - create taglines that hit people in the face and have them saying YES!

Lesson 2: Making your offer pitch clear & different for every offer (confused people don't buy)

Lesson 3: How to sell multiple offers at once 

Module 5: Setting up your offer suite for business success 

Lesson 1: Mapping out your client journey so you create offers THEY want 

Lesson 2: How to choose which offers to create, according to your own talents, preference and lifestyle needs (hello, easy business!)

Lesson 3: Creating an offer suite that invites people in at all stages, and keeps them coming back for more  

Lesson 4: The art of creating recurring revenue - start every month already having made loads of cash, without selling a single extra offer 

Module 6: Zero effort offers that make you lazy money

Lesson 1: Ways to create lazy money you haven't thought about 

Lesson 2: How to give your business a cash injection, regardless of which stage of business you're in 


$447 USD

Yes! I need all of this now and I want to save hundreds!

Let me know if you feel this way...

đŸ‘‰đŸŒ You want to build an insanely business and you know you need to create some offers, but you’re not exactly sure which offers to create 


đŸ€” Do you create a program? 


đŸ€” Do you stick to one on one coaching until you have “enough” clients before creating passive income? 


đŸ€” Or do you put your high-ticket offers on hold and create a program you can sell on repeat, and build up cash flow, before selling your high-ticket offers? 


đŸ€” How do you even create recurring revenue? Is a membership the only way? And what if you don’t like the idea of “constant work” for a membership? 


đŸ‘‰đŸŒ You have a couple of offers that sell well, but it seems that every time you have an idea for another offer, it’s hit and miss 


đŸ‘‰đŸŒ You feel the pressure of needing to get new clients to stay on top of your income every month - like you’re trying to stay afloat, coming up for air every time one person buys, but you don’t know when the next person will
 and it’s scary and frustrating 


đŸ‘‰đŸŒ You dream of having offers that bring in money passively, but you don’t even know if that’s possible for you 


đŸ‘‰đŸŒ Creating certain offers feels a little overwhelming and you don’t know how much or how little to include in each one 


đŸ‘‰đŸŒ You’re sick and tired of trading your time for money and you just want a way out but you also want to make more money than ever before 


👏👏👏 You’re ready to build a sustainable business that serves your life, even when you take 1, 2, 3 weeks off 


Profitable offer suite is your key to building a business structure that has people coming back and paying you again, and again, and again, helping you make multiple-5 and 6-figures, every month, WITH EASE.


You’ll be creating offers with intention, that are so irresistible to your dream clients AND are so aligned to your energy levels, your life stage and the way YOU love to deliver them 

I'm ready to make my offers irresistible to my dream clients

Recap - you get all of this:


đŸ„‚ Building a strong offer suite foundation so you can increase your profits, sooner!

đŸ„‚ The different types of offers and what to create & when

đŸ„‚ How to create irresistible offers that have your clients buying as soon as you drop the link

đŸ„‚ Your offer messaging - What to say in your content to get people wanting in

đŸ„‚ Setting up your offer suite for business success 

đŸ„‚Â Zero effort offers that make you lazy money 

✹Plus one LIVE bonus call where I can audit your offer suite 🎉


 $12000 VALUE AT:

$447 USD

I need this for my business now!

Here's what people are saying after watching the transformative lessons inside Profitable Offer Suite:

I want it all please

You don’t get this kind of blueprint to build your profitable online offer suite anywhere else 


Profitable offer suite isn’t a general “here are the offers you need”


I take you through exactly what you should invest your time and energy in to maximise your income and impact


I'll also teach you how to create every type of offer to maximise the quality of your offers and have people coming back for more



I teach you how to position your offer through your offer promise


And how to structure your offer suite to make sure you never miss an opportunity to make more income and impact 


This is everything in one place. 


Your offer suite will have you creating multiple 5 figure months, every month, with ease 

You don’t need new clients 

You simply create the offers that you know will keep people coming back for more 

And people buy, over and over again.

I want it
Welcome, Queen! So happy you’re here 
My name is Shirley and over the past couple of years in business, I have built a business that serves me, around the clock. 
And I've helped many other coaches and service based business owners do the same.


As someone who burnt out (twice) trying to sell live programs and other offers that didn't align with my life stage, because that's what I was taught to do


(Big mistake! Do not recommend)


I know what it's like to be confused about how to structure my business so that it helped me live the life I want to live.

And at the time, I wasn’t at a life stage that allowed me to run only live programs. 

It also didn’t match up to where I wanted to be investing my energy at the time 

What changed everything for me was building out an offer suite that represented my talents & preferences AND what my clients needed for their transformation 

I instantly doubled, then tripled my income all because I leveraged:

đŸ€ŒđŸ» Order bumps at my checkouts that just made sense

đŸ€ŒđŸ» Passive income 

đŸ€ŒđŸ» Evergreen offers that don’t require any more energy from me 

đŸ€ŒđŸ» Irresistible offers to my IC that they can’t say no to 

đŸ€ŒđŸ» Quality offers that my clients can't get enough of 


Alllll of this - is what allows me to make multiple 6 figures every year (and growing!) as a mum of 3 and someone who has a life outside of business 

It's my mission to show you that you don’t need to stress about gaining new followers or getting more eyes on your business when you have an offer suite that is constantly drawing people into your business and has them coming back for seconds, thirds, and then every other offer 👏👏👏

When you leverage your offer suite,  you have a wildly profitable business - one that serves you and gives you the freedom to get offline, live your life, and have sales flying in through the doors 


There’s a big different between a business that makes “enough profit” every month 

And a business that is in overflow, because the structure and offers work together to bring people in, keep them in, and have them buying, over and over again.


The difference? 


Is the skills, knowledge and business strategy that I teach you inside Profitable offer suite 


It would be an honour to help you create content that converts, every time you post 

đŸ€ Your Marketing & Business Coach, Shirley 

I'm ready đŸ”„
Do you have questions about Profitable Offer Suite? Here are some answers
One final note before we reach the end

How long will you continue to balance on the edge of burnout, trying to fill your calendar with 1:1 calls, so you can "make more money"?

If you were to take a look into your business, objectively, would you say that it follows a model that truly serves your life?

Are you able to take a couple of weeks off social media or go offline altogether, and still maintain or increase your income?

Are you doing what you WANT to be doing, on a day to day basis?

If you aren't answering a huge YES to every one of the questions above?

Your business model needs tweaking. 

You need an offer suite that is going to continue to serve your life, even when you're offline.


If you're ready to stop chasing your tail and start creating the business that suits your lifestyle and your life stage AND serves your clients & has them coming coming back for every single one of your offers? 

Then, you're ready for Profitable Offer Suite 


Let's freaking GO 🧹
*Limited Time Offer Of $447USD, one time payment. Payment plans available.