Calling all Coaches, course creators, service-based business owners 📣
Ready hit send and watch the sales roll in?
Get your hands on the training and over one year's worth of emails, that will take you from struggling to fill your programs and offers, to consistently selling with every email, and skyrocketing your income.👇
I'm ready for my emails to make more more income and impact than ever before đŸ“§đŸ”„

Write emails that actually get opened, get read, and make you sales

She grew her email list using the email strategy inside, and converted 10% (that's huge!) of email listers, and made sale, after sale, after sale 💃
I am SO ready to convert with my emails

Tell me if this is you:

💡You know that email marketing can give your business HUGE potential for a sales boost, but...

đŸ„Č The thought of email marketing seems complicated and it feels overwhelming to stay on top of your email marketing, on top of everything else you're doing in your business

😏 You've tried to send emails in the past, but you're sick of spending hours crafting emails that don’t get opened or read, let alone make you sales

đŸ«  You struggle to come up with compelling content for your emails... then, when you think you have a winning idea, you stare at the screen, hoping the email will write itself, because it's hard to know where to start

💃 You're READY to start writing emails in minutes, and seeing the sales ROLL IN, every time you send an email


The truth is, email marketing IS important for your business. 

In fact, email marketing has been shown to give the BIGGEST return on investment for every dollar, over every other marketing platform đŸ€Ż

AND you OWN your email list - which means that you're not sitting there guessing whether or not your content will reach the right people - your emails are guaranteed (99% of the time) to reach the people you intend to reach!

To MAXIMISE sales in your business, through the power of email marketing, you need to:

Consistently get people ON your email list 

Know exactly what to send to that list, so that you can connect with them, build trust, credibility, and authority in their eyes, and sell to them

What you need is a simple email marketing strategy to get you writing high-converting emails in minutes, every week 

Give me all the high-converting emails đŸ„ł
Imagine if you...

đŸ€ŒđŸ» Knew exactly what to write in your emails to get people eagerly waiting for them, opening them, and reading them

đŸ€ŒđŸ» Had a library of high-converting email templates at your fingertips, so you could write these emails in MINUTES, without having to think

đŸ€ŒđŸ» Built your email list quickly, with your highest quality leads

đŸ€ŒđŸ» Could confidently sell in your emails, and see sales come in, instantaneously 


❗WITHOUT needing to rely on any social media platform to get to your people❗


💭 What if your email listers opened your emails, read them all the way through, then decided to buy your offer, without even reading your sales page


💭 Imagine if, every time you sent an email, this happened👇


👆 THIS is the power of nurturing your email list and sending high-converting emails that ACTUALLY sell your offers 
đŸŸ My email strategy has helped me make over 6-figures in sales EVERY year in my business, since using my signature Send and Sell Email Strategy
📧 And I've packaged my strategy up for you, into this easy-to-apply training and templates, so you can do the same in your business 
I need this in my life

It's time to say GOODBYE to:


⛔ Spending hours crafting emails that don’t get opened or read: No more wasting time on emails that end up in the trash

⛔ Struggling to come up with compelling content for your emails: No more staring at the screen blankly, hoping your email will magically write itself 

⛔ Overwhelming and confusing email marketing strategies: Say goodbye to the stress of figuring out what works and what doesn't (leave it to me, I've done it all for you 😉)

⛔ Low open rates and engagement: No more wondering if anyone is even reading your emails or clicking on your links

⛔ Inconsistent and unreliable income: Stop the feast-and-famine cycle in your business and start selling to the people who WANT to pay you



It's time to say HELLO to:



đŸ”„ Emails that captivate and convert: Send your emails KNOWING they'll be opened and read by your ideal clients

đŸ”„ A library of proven, ready-to-use email templates at your fingertips: Get your emails written FOR you, by a marketing expert. No more staring blankly at your screen!

đŸ”„ Becoming an email marketing pro yourself, as you implement my signature email sales strategy

đŸ”„ Above average open rates and active engagement: Watch those open and click-through rates rise, as you engage your email listers

đŸ”„ A steady stream of sales from your email list: Transform your emails from boring into a powerful income generator, that doesn't rely on any algorithm or social media platform

Instant access to emails that get opened, read and selling!

Write emails that actually get opened, get read, and make you sales

Give me those emails 💾

Love notes from clients who have used my signature email strategy to grow their email list and make sales in their business, after hitting send đŸ”„


The Effortless Email Sales System is your key to the easiest marketing and selling you've ever done.


You'll become an email marketing pro in your business, with:

đŸ”„ A whole year's worth of emails, that will keep the money flowing into your business 

đŸ”„ A proven strategy that will have you writing emails on the fly, in minutes

đŸ”„ All of the emails you need to sell your offers, using automated sequences

đŸ”„ Ways to grow your email list, so even MORE people get to experience your amazingness

All through the following:

50 weeks worth of done-for-you email templates that will get you nurturing and selling to your list, now!

This is your entire year's worth of emails to send for sales and business growth!

Simply choose an email template, fill it out (and you can use the help of ChatGPT - I've given you the prompts!), and hit send!

These emails aren't just any bland emails.

These emails will have your readers eagerly awaiting your emails. They help you connect with your email listers, they help you build trust and authority in your niche, and they articulate the value of your offer to your ideal client (AKA they will be clicking on those links and BUYING).


Delivered in Trello & Google Doc format

Your email marketing strategy, in a potent 80-minute masterclass, that will teach you:

📧 The 5 essential types of emails you need to be sending to nurture your list and convert them, with ease

📧 How to write subject lines that get your emails OPENED instead of collecting dust in the inbox of your ideal buyer 

📧 How to structure your emails, so that people read them, all the way through, and are left wanting to buy your offer

📧 Storytelling magic - learn how to move your readers through powerful storytelling, that has them feeling connected to you

📧 How to build your email list effortlessly

YASSSS! I'm SO ready for high-converting emails 🧹
One-time payment only. 7-Day Money-back Guarantee.
Bonus: Your high-converting welcome sequence to send after your freebie download

Use this done-for-you email sequence to convert your freebie-downloaders into paying clients! 

Bonus: Upsell sequence to have people buying the next step!

Once someone buys ONE of your offers, there's going to be a next-step offer for them. 

And this email sequence will help you sell that offer, with EASE!

Bonus: Cart Abandonment sequence to maximise sales of your offer

It happens! People might put your offer in their cart, then their kid might yell out to them, or their partner might start talking about a deep topic, or maybe there's a really good part of their Netflix show that distracts them...

No worries! Not for you, anyway. 

Because you're getting a cart abandonment email sequence (done-for-you), that you can send to them to make sure, that if your offer is for them, they buy it!

Bonus: Feedback Collection Email for neverending social proof

Have you ever wanted to ask your existing clients/purchasers for feedback about any of your offers, but you're just not sure how to? 

This email will have them giving you that feedback (and social proof for you to use to promote your offers), in no time!

Bonus: Trello Board for easy access to everything in one place

In this Trello Board, you will find ALL of the goodies in the Effortless Email Sales System, in one place.

Writing emails to make more sales for your business, has never been easier 💃

Bonus: Chat GPT prompts that will have you writing an endless stream of emails in seconds

I have two Chat GPT Prompts for you, that could quite literally change your life!

Prompt 1: Fill the email templates you have here in the Effortless Email Sales System, in SECONDS (and yes, make it sound just like you've written them all yourself!)

Prompt 2: Once you've trained Chat GPT on your brand and tone of voice, you can generate thousands upon thousands of NEW emails, in minutes!

Bonus: The Tech Stuff

In this lesson, I take you through tags, triggers, forms and all of the other tech stuff, so that nothing gets in the way of you hitting send and seeing the sales roll in!

Instant access to all of this for only






Hi, I'm Shirley. I'm SO pleased to meet you đŸ€

Over the past 4 years, I have written hundreds of emails that have nurtured my email list and helped them see what my offers can do for them!

This has resulted in over 6-figures generated for my business, every year, from emails alone. 

As a marketing coach, I have developed an email strategy and structure that has emails opened, read and selling!

It's called the Send to Sell Strategy. And my clients have seen the most amazing results in their own business, because of this strategy. 

And this is the Strategy you will learn inside The Effortless Email Sales System. It's also the Strategy I used to write over 50 emails (+ sequences) for you to send to your list, so you can nurture and convert them đŸ”„

 I am so excited to help you:

📧 Write emails that get read and make you sales, all day, errrrddaayyy

📧 Master the art of Storytelling, so you can speak to your reader's soul, and connect with them on a deep level 

📧 Grow your email list, so that you are consistently sending emails to more and more people 

📧 Build trust, credibility and authority with your email readers, so you become the one for them, and they become eager to receive your emails and buy your offers 

👆 This is why this offer exists

I want to help you effortlessly write insanely profitable emails!

It would be an honour to help you do that. 

đŸ€ Your Marketing Coach, Shirley 

The Effortless Email Sales System is perfect for you if:

👉 You’re a coach, digital course creator or service-based business owner who wants to utilise email marketing in your business, but you're not sure exactly what kind of emails you need to send 

👉 You want to be sure that when you send your email, it gets opened, read, it hits the mark, and has people buying your offer 

👉 You know you have amazing offers that would change your ideal client's life, but the thought of writing emails every week from scratch feels exhausting 

👉 You're ready to write your emails effortlessly, and get back to living your life and running your business 

👉 You just wish someone (an expert with experience) would write your emails for you, so you can maximise profits for your business, without spending hours writing your emails 

If you feel any or all of the above, this offer created by me (Social Shirley, Your Marketing Coach) is JUST FOR YOU

I need this!


This solution is designed to give you the tools you need to get you selling your offer with so much ease, using the power of email marketing. 

I am obviously obsessed with it, I’m confident that it will help you and I spent months creating it for service-based business owners like you.

BUT! There is NO RISK in purchasing this product!

If you don’t love The Effortless Email Sales System, you can request your money back within 7-days of your purchase – no questions asked.

This is how confident I am that The Effortless Email Sales System will give you the tools you need to start sending emails that convert, starting today!

đŸ€ Shirley 

I want to sell using my emails with SO MUCH EASE, RISK-FREE!

By the end of this program you will have


âšĄïžA clear pathway to growing your email list with quality buyers in the next 30-90 days 


âšĄïžThe practical skills to write emails that get opened, read all the way through, and converting


âšĄïžAll of the emails you need to send all year, done-for-you, at your fingertips, so you don't even need to think, when creating your high-converting emails... you just sit back, relax, and watch the sales roll in!

Recap - You get all of this:


💃 50 weeks worth of done-for-you email templates that will get you nurturing and selling to your list, now!


💃 Your email marketing strategy to nurture and sell to your email list, in a potent 80-minute masterclass


🧁 Bonus: Your high-converting welcome sequence to send after your freebie download, to build the know, like and trust factor, even more


🧁 Bonus: Upsell sequence to have people buying the next step!


🧁 Bonus: Cart Abandonment sequence to maximise sales of your offer


🧁 Bonus: Feedback Collection Email for never-ending social proof


🧁 Bonus: Trello Board for easy access to everything in one place


🧁 Bonus: Chat GPT prompts that will have you writing an endless stream of emails in seconds


OVER $1200 value





I need to make effortless email sales for my biz now!
Do you have questions about The Effortless Email Sales System? Here are some answers!
One last thing before you go, beautiful human

If you're not currently using email marketing in your business, you are leaving money on the table.

And if you're sending emails, but they're not getting opened, or read, or they're not converting as highly as you would like them to, please know that there is SO much potential for your business, if you used email marketing the *right* way. 

This is why the Effortless Email Sales System exists...

đŸ”„ Because email marketing has been shown to give the highest return on investment for every dollar put in. 

đŸ”„Â Because you CAN write an email in minutes, and have your phone flood with sales notifications 

đŸ”„ Because, when you learn the skill, you have it for life. And it becomes effortless to write your email, send it off to your list, go and live your life, and have the money FLOW

I would LOVE to help you get the money flowing in your business, using email marketing. 

This is your invitation to join today to learn just how to do that. 

So much love, 

đŸ€ Your Marketing Coach, Shirley 

Instant access to all of the high-converting emails you'll ever need âšĄïžđŸ§šđŸ’°