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Selling on Stories School

A live 3-day masterclass (life-long access to replays) and the ultimate Story-selling toolkit, that will teach you how to generate sales for your coaching or service-based biz, while you're living your life, with so much EASE and without feeling awkward or salesy.

What you'll get:

Recap - You get all of this:

Your live 3-day masterclass with me: 3 X 90 minute sessions of goodness, that will have you selling your offer on your IG Stories with SO MUCH EASE in no time, with Q&A and hot seat story audits

Instagram Stories Prompts and Templates, so you never have to say "What the heck should I post on Stories today?" ever again

Bonus: Learn exactly how to show up naturally and easily, without putting on a show

Bonus: Turn natural moments of your day into 5 pieces of story content in 2 minutes, so you can get on with your life, while your Stories do the selling for you

Bonus: Grab your proven sales scripts, word-for-word, to have you selling your offer genuinely, like a pro 



This is AMAZING value! Gain the confidence to create talking reels that build trust, save you time & creative energy and help you consistently create engaging talking reels