📣 Attn: Coaches and service-based business owners
Ready for a cash injection for your biz that won't cost you hours or have you spending all of your money on ads? 
The plug-and-play template and training solution, designed to give your business a cash injection in just 14 days using proven high-converting sales strategy and disruptive content that stops the scroll and has people wanting IN and FAST! 
Yes! I want to make a FAST cash injection for my biz
One-time payment only. 7-Day Money-back Guarantee.
From one biz owner to another

Let's be honest.

It's amazing to have an ongoing strategy with content that reaches more people, nurtures your community and makes your business sales!

Wouldn't it be nice to have an easy peasy way of clicking "all systems go" and give your business a quick cash injection?


Buuuuttt, when it comes to content that SUPERCHARGES conversions, you might also be thinking

🫠 How the heck can I sell on the feed without feeling spammy and sleazy? (Am I even "allowed" to sell on my feed? 🧐)

🫠 What does one even say on a carousel post or reel to get people to convert and WANT my offer? 

🫠 How can I stop the scroll with my content, let alone get people to hand over the cash?

And you might be feeling a little bit like this 👇


And on top of that

🥴 You might not have ever posted content outside of your "business as usual" content schedule, so it might feel scary or risky to put high-converting content out there

🥴 You might feel like your posts are being "hidden" as it is - how can you start selling on your posts on top of that?!

🥴 Orrrrr you might have tried to post content like this in the past and you feel it backfired because your reach became lower than ever before

Do you want to know the real secret to stopping the scroll AND getting people to hand over their cash FAST?


It's 🥁🥁🥁



What if there was a solution that could give you the EXACT feed and story posts AND emails in template format to share over 14-days so that you can stop the scroll, get people noticing your offer and RUSHING to buy, even more than during the "business as usual"


The thing is, there's A LOT that goes on in a consumer's mind, between seeing your content and feeling compelled to take action

And while it's so important to nail your "business as usual" content to help you build that know-like-trust factor...

Disruptive content is the type of content that has the ability to:

✔️ Stop your ideal client in their tracks 

✔️ Make them think "What the heck, she totally gets me!!"

✔️ And has their fingertips itching to go right from your post to your link or DMs 


And if you're thinking "What the heck is disruptive content?"

Quite simply put, it is content where you speak your mind, use storytelling or problem-aware content to cut through the noise on Instagram, in an engaging way that speaks right to your ideal client's soul, with complete confidence and clear, compelling calls to action, resulting in an influx of sales!


Which means you get your community to take FAST action and this means a FAST cash injection for your business!

And in order to do all of this? 

You need to understand the consumer psychology that goes on behind the scenes and have proven sales strategies that take your content from 

"Ohhhh yes, I love her!"



Annnnnddd... you guessed it! The templates and training in this solution have been designed to help you do JUST THAT!


I want to make money fast with my content
Love notes from clients who did a 14 day challenge with all of the templates inside The 14-Day Content to Cash Blueprint
The repeatable plug-and-play template and training solution, designed to give your business a cash injection in just 14 days using proven high-converting content that stops the scroll and has people wanting IN and FAST!

Inside, you will find:

🔥 Proven, high-converting Instagram feed content, including

✅ Carousel posts 

✅ Reels

✅ Single image posts

(And no, you do not have to post every day)

🔥 Unique, compelling Instagram Story content to have your viewers glued and waiting, credit cards in hand 

🔥 Emails to have your email listers nurtured and converting off Instagram

🔥 Bonus content, if you would like to extend your cash injection or post more frequently during the two week blueprint period 

🔥 Training to help you cement your cash injection strategy and create your OWN high-converting content 


...All specifically designed to help you get a quick and easy cash injection for your business 👏💰🧨

Get ready to gain instant access to:

Your plug-and-play template pack containing feed content, story content and emails that you will share over 14-days to supercharge your sales


Create content that disrupts the feed and supercharges your sales in MINUTES!


And P.S. If you're thinking "Do I need to post every day?!" 


You absolutely DO NOT!


You have the option to post 3 times per week, 4 times per week or 5 times per week (bonus below if you want to post even more!) and STILL create content that highly converts!


The content in this pack has been specifically designed to stop the scroll, compel your community to engage AND have them thinking "How can I pay this human?!", whether they're scrolling their home feed, tapping through your Stories or reading through your emails!


This pack is 14 days worth of:

Instagram feed content - we are talking carousels, reels, talking reels AND static image posts that stop your ideal client in their tracks


Instagram Story content, including powerful, unique Story-selling scripts, that have people tapping through and lapping up every single word 


Emails (not the boring kind that nobody reads) that will have your email listers' eyes GLUED to their screens, waiting for you to drop the link to your offer


Stop wasting your time, trying to think of highly-engaging, highly-converting content on your own, and start using these easy peasy templates straight away!


Delivered in Trello and Google Doc format


Scroll down to take a look at exactly how your 14-Day Content to Cash Blueprint will work step-by-step AND for a sample of the content templates you will get 👀

Potent Training to teach you just how to use disruptive content to SUPERCHARGE your sales and engagement

The secret to getting the cash injection your business deserves is knowing how to use disruptive to stop the scroll and keep people lapping up your content until they are COMPELLED to buy!

In this training, I'm going to take you through why you should create disruptive content, the three different types of disruptive content AND how to use disruptive content to inject your business with CASH.

In this video training, I will also be showing you how to use the content in the Blueprint (along with the power of ChatGPT 🤯) to maximise your impact and income during your 14-day biz supercharge!


Bonus: ChatGPT Prompts to turn minutes into seconds

It's no secret that ChatGPT can cut your time into a fraction when it comes to content creation or anything else, for that matter!

But to use ChatGPT to its full potential, you MUST have the right prompts to input if you want the best output for marketing your business.

This is why I have compiled my BEST ChatGPT Prompts and bundled them up into a step-by-step easy-to-follow formula, for you to simply copy and paste and get content that speaks to your ideal client in return!

Now, not only do you have disruptive content that stops the scroll and compels people to buy... 

You also have the tools and prompt to help you optimise this content and create it in seconds!

Because who wants to spend extra time on marketing their business unnecessarily? 

No one!

Delivered in Trello and Google Doc format

Bonus: EXTRA content, if you're feeling extra disruptive

In this bonus, you will get 5 extra templates that you can plug-and-play to make more disruptive content for your feed and your Stories!

Bonus: Trello board, so you have all of your content in one place

Have all of your content templates and ChatGPT Prompts in one place to make it even easier and quicker to create your cash injection content!

Instant access to all of this for only


Here is exactly how your 14-Day Content to Cash Blueprint will work (5-Steps to your business cash injection):

Step 1: Watch the potent training on how to use your content repeatedly, to get a cash injection for your business 


Step 2: Open up your Trello board for instant access to your feed content, story content and email templates 


Step 3: Plug in details for your 14-days of posts (option to post 3, 4 or 5 times per week) with the option to use the power of ChatGPT to fill in the templates for you (see template sample below)


(P.s. Chat GPT is SO powerful when you have the right prompts. Using the prompts inside the 14-Day Content to Cash Blueprint, you will be creating your cash injection content IN SECONDS)


Step 4: Post your content and send your emails, according to *your* schedule and sit back and enjoy the cash roll in 


Step 5: Repeat up to 4 to 5 times per year whenever you feel like giving your business a cash injection


Annnnddd here is a sample of the content templates you will get inside 👀



I want in on this content and strategy for a cash injection for my biz!

Now, you might be thinking:

“Why is something that can give my business a cash injection priced at such a low investment?"

My [Shirley] mission is to show incredible service providers like you JUST how great using a free platform like Instagram to market yourself and your business can be, if you’re given the right tools to do so. 

Instagram is becoming more crowded as more people are creating content that reaches, nurtures and converts their audience and it can be so overwhelming to know what to do to stop the scroll and make MORE SALES for your business.

I want to make the tools to do this as accessible as possible, so I bundled up my marketing knowledge and strategy into an affordable but potent package for you, to teach you how to create disruptive content that supercharges your sales FAST!

The 14-Day Content to Cash Blueprint is perfect for you if:

👉 You’re a coach, consultant or service-based business owner who wants a quick cash injection for your business, using a proven strategy

👉 You're creating feed content that helps you build know, like and trust, but you want to know what kind of content will stand out from the rest of the "business as usual" posts 

👉 You've tried to sell on your feed before but it didn't work and it felt awkward

👉 You have an offer(s) you SO believe in and you KNOW that it will change peoples' lives but you're just not sure how to get the word out there FAST and effectively, so people actually jump at it  

If you feel any or all of the above, this offer created by me (Social Shirley, Your Marketing Coach) is JUST FOR YOU

Recap - You get all of this:

Your plug-and-play template pack containing feed content, story content and emails that you will share over 14-days to supercharge your sales 

Potent Training to teach you just how to use disruptive content to SUPERCHARGE your sales and engagement 

Bonus: ChatGPT Prompts to turn minutes into seconds

Bonus: EXTRA content, if you're feeling extra disruptive

Bonus: Trello board, so you have all of your content in one place  




I need to make quick cash for my biz now!


This solution is designed to give you the tools you need to give your business a quick cash injection, with so much ease.

I am obviously obsessed with it, I’m confident that it will help you and I spent months creating it for service-based business owners like you.

BUT! There is NO RISK in purchasing this product!

If you don’t love The 14-Day Content to Cash Blueprint, you can request your money back within 7-days of purchasing it – no questions asked.

This is how confident I am that The 14-Day Content to Cash Blueprint will give you the tools you need to give your biz the cash injection it needs and fast!

🤍 Shirley 

I need a cash injection for my biz!
Do you have questions about the 14-Day Content to Cash Blueprint? Here are some answers:
You've reached the end, but I have one final love note for you

It's true that creating content that reaches, nurtures and converts your community, consistently, is the vital part of your social media marketing strategy


But if you are at a point in your business (and even in your content creation journey as a business owner) where you are thinking "I need a BOOST in sales and engagement NOW"?


Creating disruptive content that both stops the scroll and compels people click on your links and DM you straight from your feed, Stories and emails?

Is your answer!


This is because people buy FAST when they CONNECT. And it's your brand-building, storytelling and problem-aware content content that helps your ideal client connect right away.


And if you want a huge helping hand getting this content (content that is based on real, proven marketing strategy) in a fraction of the time it might take you if you do it on your own? 


Then, The 14-Day Content to Cash Blueprint is for you! 🫶🏼


Start today and give your business the cash injection it deserves today!